GWSS 313 A: Gender and Politics

Spring 2025
TTh 11:30am - 12:50pm / SMI 102
Section Type:
Joint Sections:
POL S 313 A
Margaret Teresa Perez Brower
Syllabus Description (from Canvas):

This course focuses on the concept of gender as a fluid, performative, and normative aspect of people’s lives that regulates their access to policies, representation in government, daily encounters with others, interests and issues, and the politics that inevitably form around this identity and experiences. Gender is a salient identity that is constantly shaping social movements, activism, advocacy, policymaking, elections, cultural norms, distributions of power and resources, rights, and the law. In this course, we will identify the role of gender within these types of nuanced political contexts to decipher its significance in shaping historical and contemporary life. Along the way, we will deconstruct and critique gender as a concept to better understand when and why it impacts political life—as well as its potential to reconceptualize it.  


Course Assignments & Grading:



% of Grade


Class Participation

You are expected to complete the readings and actively engage in class discussions where you will examine,
critique and build on the ideas from course readings.



Paper (3-4 pages)

Interview a student in class about their experiences with their gender. You need to first write up your own questions to ask them, second conduct the interview, and finally share their responses and your reflections about what you learned.




At-home during class time with open notes (in syllabus: April 24th).


Response Paper

You will write three response papers to three classes of your choice connecting the reading to a current event or a social media post. Each paper is worth a 5/5.


Paper (3-4 pages)

Pick a movie, song playlist, or series of social media videos – critically deconstruct it using reading and exercises from this class.


Final Project

Pick a local organization or political project in Seattle, what are they doing to address an issue related to gender? What can you do to help them? Write a proposal using a template provided.



Catalog Description:
Focuses on the concept of gender as a fluid, performative, and normative aspect of people's lives that regulates access to policies, representation in government, daily encounters with others, interests and issues, and politics that form around this identity and experiences. Examines how gender identity shapes social movements, activism, advocacy, policymaking, elections, cultural norms, distributions of power and resources, rights, and the law. Offered: jointly with POL S 313.
GE Requirements Met:
Diversity (DIV)
Social Sciences (SSc)
Last updated:
February 6, 2025 - 1:05 am