Introducing Celine Waldmann, GWSS Undergraduate Advisor

Submitted by Whitney Miller on

I’m the undergraduate advisor for GWSS and have been with the department since November 2021. I graduated from the UW with an MA in Germanics, as well as a degree in fashion design, with an interest in sustainability. I have a background in activism and those experiences have always informed my work, whether it be how I interact with and provide support to students or how I approach my design work. It’s important to me that my work aligns with my personal ethics, which is what I love about advising in GWSS. Our scholarship touches on so many different areas of studies and it’s always exciting to hear what our students are interested in exploring.  

What piece of advice would you give your college self? 
Don’t try to fool yourself into thinking you can handle that 8:30 class. I only took one 8:30 class and it was a nightmare. I’m still not a morning person, despite everyone telling me I’d get better at mornings as I got older.  

What was your favorite class in college? 
Honestly, I took maybe only two classes that I didn’t enjoy in college. One memorable highlight was an Old High German seminar, where we translated some magic spells, including one to turn someone into a worm. And another course I loved was in print design and that was just fun to explore techniques using hand-drawn and digital art. 

What’s your most-used emoji?  
It’s probably the upside-down smiley face. I don’t actually know what it was designed to mean, but whenever I use it, I feel like it expresses exactly what I’m feeling. 

What is the last book you read? 
I recently finished reading There’s No Such Thing as an Easy Job by Kikuko Tsumura. I read an article a while ago that said that most people tend to read less and less fiction as they get older, but I still primarily read fiction and I especially like reading books in translation because it can give you a glimpse of different storytelling traditions and how other cultures use language and imagery.
