Jaye Sablan

GWSS Alumni '12 - Assistant Director of Core Programs, UW Graduate School


M.A., University of Washington, 2012

News and Comments: Jaye Sablan earned her M.A. in Feminist Studies in 2012 and is the first in her Indigenous Chamoru family to earn undergraduate and graduate degrees. She has been working in the field of graduate student affairs since 2014 and is currently the Assistant Director for Core Programs--a unit of the UW Graduate School. The focus of her work is to ensure that diverse graduate students are connected with the information and resources they need to thrive, as they navigate their graduate education programs towards successful career paths. Jaye is also a poet whose work is published in As/Us, Nepantla, and Yellow Medicine Review. She also thrives on collaborating with visual artists in the queer community--and her poetry is featured in the work of videographers such as Liv Morrow and Shann Thomas and illustrator Syan Rose. Her latest collaboration with Syan Rose will be featured in the Spring 2018 issue of Bitch: A Feminist Response to Pop Culture Magazine.
