Congratulations to Dr. Akanksha Misra!

Submitted by Catherine Richardson on
Akanksha Misra - Successful Dissertation Defense (Akanksha Misra bottom center)

Congratulations Dr. Akanksha Misra!

Akanksha Misra successfully defended her dissertation The Erotics of Pedagogical Spaces: Schools, Sexuality, and the Desiring Body in India and Turkey. Based on years of embedded research as a teacher and child sex abuse prevention counselor in Istanbul and Hyderabad, Akanksha approaches the body as a historical racial schema, argues that gender and sexuality are articulations of embodiment which are always becoming, and embraces an erotics of pedagogy which opens up possibilities of being otherwise. Her rich and multitextured project ranges from acute ethnographic insights to conversations with WOC and transnational feminist theory, phenomenology, Turkish and Indian Studies, education studies and much more.
