Challenges of the Third Wave: Mobilizing Young Women to the Feminist Movements in Puerto Rico

Rodriguez, Noralis (2010). Challenges of the Third Wave: Mobilizing Young Women to the Feminist Movements in Puerto Rico (Master's thesis, University of Washington). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global database. (UMI No. 1484386)

Abstract: This thesis examines the current challenges facing young women of Puerto Rico. The focus of this research is to analyze those challenges and understand why young women are slow to join feminist movements in Puerto Rico. The facts of the feminist movements  in Puerto Rico are presented through the self-conducted  interviews. Participants included feminists of the second and third waves and non-feminist  young women of Puerto Rico. The research reveals several factors affecting young women's lives and ultimately hindering their participation in the feminist movement, and presents the strategies to help overcome the challenges and achieve a better mobilization  to the feminist movements of Puerto Rico.

Status of Research
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