Christina Yuen Zi Chung Contributes to New SAAM Exhibit and Asian Art Archive Series

Submitted by Whitney Miller on
Artwork by Kaitlin Chan

Beyond the Mountain

In 2018-19, GWSS graduate student Christina Yuen Zi Chung served as the Frances Blakemore & Griffith Way Intern for Chinese Art at the Seattle Art Museum (SAM). This opportunity, funded by the Blakemore Foundation, enabled her to learn from mentor Ping Foong, Foster Foundation Curator of Chinese Art at SAM and Affiliate Associate Professor at UW. She worked with Dr. Foong on the development of the exhibit Beyond the Mountain: Contemporary Chinese Artists on the Classical Forms that opens at the Seattle Asian Art Museum on July 22, 2022. Christina conducted research on several of the artworks in the exhibit and contributed to labels that accompany the works. This curatorial experience provided her with a way to explore public-facing avenues for her doctoral research on gender, decoloniality, and contemporary art in Hong Kong.

What Keeps You Connected

Christina has also contributed in recent years to projects and publications of Asia Art Archive, a website and onsite library in Hong Kong committed to the collection, creation, and sharing of knowledge around recent art in Asia. A newly launched illustrated interview series titled 3SUMS on their website explores a question of deep resonance for Hong Kongers who, in the face of intensive political challenges and changes, have left: “What’s an object you carry that keeps you connected to distant people or places?” As one of the three interviewees in the inaugural 3SUMS publication, Christina provides her response.
