GWSS Newsletter: Autumn 2022 Edition

Martha Gonzalez, an alum of the Department of Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies (PhD 2013), has been awarded a MacArthur Fellowship for her multi-modal body of work advancing participatory methods of artistic knowledge production, grounded in feminist praxis, in the service of social justice. Gonzalez is a musician, scholar, Chican@… Read more
GWSS graduate student, Nastasia Paul-Gera, has been selected as a recipient of the Graduate School's 2022 Distinguished Thesis Award in the social sciences category. This award recognizes outstanding and exceptional research and writing produced by UW master’s students in any discipline, and recipients are selected in four categories: Biological Sciences, Humanities and Fine Arts, Social Sciences, and Mathematics, Physical Sciences and Engineering. Nastasia's thesis, "… Read more
As reproductive health, immigration, and LGBTQ+ equity continue to make local, national, and global headlines, three Winter 2023 courses in Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies provide students with historical context and feminist frameworks for critical analysis of debates surrounding these issues. Students will learn how structural forces play out in personal lives, as well as how to restore histories of resilience and survivance as inspirations to action.    GWSS 299:… Read more
As the myriad forms of technology we use every day collect information on our every click, feminist researchers and activists have persistently interrogated the accumulation of big data as a site of power. In Winter 2022, Associate Teaching Professor Regina Yung Lee launched a new course that introduces students to this emergent field, which critiques data science in relation to bias, discrimination, exploitation, surveillance,… Read more
Simona Liao, a double major in Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies and computer science, is featured in the University of Washington College of Arts & Sciences September issue of Perspectives. The article, titled "At the Intersection of STEM and Feminism," focuses on Liao's trajectory at UW, and how the intersection of STEM and feminism have shaped her perspective as an international… Read more
The Department of Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies at the University of Washington, Seattle invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track position as Assistant Professor in critical feminist data studies, with an anticipated start date of September 2023. Tenure-track faculty have an annual service period of nine months (Sept 16-June 15). The successful applicant will be expected to engage in research and teaching that use feminist and related analytics of power to create theories… Read more
Shuxuan Zhou, who earned her Ph.D. in Feminist Studies from GWSS in 2017, has won the Grand Prize for her essay "The Posthumous Child" in this year's Sixth Tone writing contest. For those unfamiliar with the publication, Sixth Tone is an online magazine focused on content connected to contemporary China.  Now that the… Read more
ASAP/J, the open-access platform of the Association for the Study of the Arts of the Present scholarly journal, is running Black One Shot (b.O.s.) for five consecutive weeks during the summer of 2022. Edited by Lisa Uddin and Michael Boyce Gillespie, the b.O.s. series concentrates on the art of blackness. As they write, “We value the complications, ambiguities, and ambivalences on which the art of blackness thrives.” In… Read more
Beyond the Mountain In 2018-19, GWSS graduate student Christina Yuen Zi Chung served as the Frances Blakemore & Griffith Way Intern for Chinese Art at the Seattle Art Museum (SAM). This opportunity, funded by the Blakemore Foundation, enabled her to learn from mentor Ping Foong, Foster Foundation Curator of Chinese Art at… Read more