
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Sasha Su-Ling Welland. 2024. “Haikuology, for Kara, after Sonia Sanchez.” Anthropology and Humanism, Publications, Articles
GenderTalk: Gender and Internal Migration, NCAER National Data Innovation Center Gender Hub Publications, Articles
Sarah Choi. "Cross-Generational Storytelling: A Conversation with Sasha Su-Ling Welland and Sabrina Craig." Feminist Media Histories 9.4 (2023): 135-150. Publications, Articles
Dattani K. ‘Spectrally shape-shifting: biometrics, fintech and the corporate-state in India’. Journal of Cultural Economy. 2023. Publications, Articles
Sasha Su-Ling Welland. “Die Frage des Feminismus in der Zetgenössischen Chinesischen Kunst” (The Question of Feminism in Chinese Contemporary Art), Empowerment: Art and Feminisms, edited by Andreas Beitin, Katharina Koch, and Uta Ruhkamp, 206-215. Wolfsburg: Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, 2022. Publications, Articles
Roundtable Discussion, "Let's Talk Facts! Globale Expert*innen zu Feminismen in Kunst und Gesellschaft" (Global Experts on Feminisms in Art and Society), Empowerment: Art and Feminisms, edited by Andreas Beitin, Katharina Koch, and Uta Ruhkamp, 112-121. Wolfsburg: Wolfsburg Kunstmuseum, 2022.  Publications, Articles
Sasha Su-Ling Welland, "Die Frage des Feminismus in der Zetgenössischen Chinesischen Kunst," (The Question of Feminism in Chinese Contemporary Art), Empowerment: Art and Feminisms, edited by Andreas Beitin, Katharina Koch, and Uta Ruhkamp, 206-215. Wolfsburg: Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, 2022. Publications, Articles
Dattani K. ‘Platform ‘glitch as surprise’: The on-demand domestic work sector in Delhi’s National Capital Region’. City. 2020, 25:3-4 pp. 376-395. Publications, Articles
Dattani, K. ‘Rethinking Social Reproduction in the Time of COVID-19’. Journal of Australian Political Economy. 2020. No. 85, pp. 51-6. Accessible: Publications, Articles
Dattani K. ‘“Governtrepreneurism” for good governance: The case of Aadhaar and the India Stack’. Area. 2019, 52:2 pp. 1–9.   Publications, Articles
Posner, K. L., Severson, J., & Domino, K. B. (2015). The role of informed consent in patient complaints: Reducing hidden health system costs and improving patient engagement through shared decision making. Journal of Healthcare Risk Management, 35(2), 38–45. Publications, Articles
McDougal, S., III, Green, C., Heard, C., Owens, O., & Wodaje, H. (2023). The Development and Validation of the Black Student Success and Engagement Questionnaire (BSSEQ). The Journal of Negro Education. Washington, DC. 2023. Publications, Articles