
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Johnson, Ramon W. “In the Wake of Blu Bone’s Wicked Womb.” A Gathering Together, 12 Dec. 2023, Publications, Essays
"Women Who Rock: Making Scenes, Building Communities: Participatory Research, Community Engagement, and Archival Practice" in NANO:  New American Notes Online. Issue 5. Special Theme: Digital Humanities, Public Humanities.  Michelle Habell-Pallan, Sonnet Retman and Angelica Macklin.  Publications
Michelle Habell-Pallán. "'Death to Racism and Punk Rock Revisionism':" Alice Bag's Vexing Voice and the Ineffable Influence of Canción Ranchera on Hollywood Punk." In Pop: When the World Falls Apart, Music in the Shadow of a Doubt. Ed. Eric Weisbard. Durham: Duke University Press, 2012. Publications, Essays
Michelle Habell-Pallán and Wilfried Raussert, editors. "Cornbread and Cuchifritos": Ethnic Identity Politics, Transnationalization, and Transculturation in American Urban Popular Music: Inter-American Perspectives. Trier: Germany, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier (WVT), 2011. Publications, Books
Michelle Habell-Pallán. "'Soy Punkera, y Qué?:’ Sexuality, Translocality, and Punk in Los Angeles and Beyond" In Beyond the Frame: Women of Color and Visual Representation. Neferti X. M. Tadiar and Angela Davis, eds. New York: Palgrave: 219-241. (Updated version). 2005. Publications, Essays
Michelle Habell-Pallán. "'Soy Punkera, y Qué?’: Sexuality, Nation, and Punk." In Rockin' Las Americas: The Global Politics of Rock in Latin America. Deborah Pacini Hernández and Eric Zolov, eds. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2004. Publications, Essays
Michelle Habell-Pallán. "El Vez is 'Taking Care of Business': The Inter/National Appeal of Chicana/o Popular Music." Cultural Studies (vol. 13, no. 2, 1999): 195-210. Publications, Essays
Michelle Habell-Pallán, Marisol Berrios-Miranda and Shannon Dudley. American Sabor: Latina/os in U.S. Pop Music. Austin: UT Press, under contract. Publications, Books
Michelle Habell-Pallán. Beat Migration: Translating/Transforming "American" Pop Music for the Digital Humanities. In progress. Publications, Books