
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Johnson, Ramon W. “In the Wake of Blu Bone’s Wicked Womb.” A Gathering Together, 12 Dec. 2023, Publications, Essays
Wolff, Michelle, David Rubin, and Amanda Lock Swarr.  2022.  "The Intersex Issue: An Introduction."  Transgender Studies Quarterly 9.2: 143-159. Publications, Essays
Jiwoon Yulee. "A Feminist Critique of Labor Precarity and Neoliberal Forgetting: Life Stories of Feminized Laboring Subjects in South Korea," Feminist Studies, Special Issue: Feminism & Capitalism, 2021, 47:3. Publications, Essays
Christina Yuen Zi Chung and Sasha Su-Ling Welland, "Wandering Geographies: Aesthetic Practice along China's Belt and Road Initiative," Feminist Studies 47.2 (2021): 372-417. Publications, Essays
 Mobley SD, Johnson RW, Sewell CJP, Johnson JM, Neely AJ. “We Are Not Victims”: Unmasking Black Queer and Trans* Student Activism at HBCUs. About Campus. 2021;26(3):24-28. doi:10.1177/1086482220953221 Publications, Essays
Yingyi Wang. (2021). Unfinished Revolution: An Overview of Three Decades of LGBT Activism in China. Made in China Journal. Publications, Essays
"From Ayotzinapa to Ferguson, Fue el Estado: Indigenous Epistemologies and Transnational Solidarity in Response to State Violence," Decolonial Feminist Praxis: Centering Knowledge and Resistance at the Margins. Eds. Annie I Fukushima and K. Melchor Hall for Democratizing Knowledge Project Fellows. 2021.  Presentations, Projects, Publications, Essays
Priti Ramamurthy and Vinay Gidwani. “The Gender of Value: Punctuated Violence and The Labor of Care”, Feminist Studies, Special Issue: Feminism and Capitalism, 2021. Publications, Essays
Sasha Su-Ling Welland. “List as Form: Literary, Ethnographic, Long, Short, Heavy, Light.” In Writing Anthropology: Essays on Craft and Commitment, edited by Carole McGranahan, 28-33. Durham: Duke University Press, 2020. Publications, Essays
Priti Ramamurthy. "Translocal Householding", Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, Special Dossier: Concept Histories of the Urban edited by Anupama Rao and Casey Primel, 40.1, 2020, 86-93. Publications, Essays
Kiran Asher and Priti Ramamurthy. “Rethinking decolonial and postcolonial knowledges beyond regions to imagine transnational solidarity,” Hypatia, Special Issue: Toward Decolonial Feminisms: Tracing the Lineages of Decolonial Thinking through Latin American/Latinx Feminist Philosophy, 2020, 1–6. Publications, Essays
Khan, Saad Adnan, Farhana Alam, Els Rommes, and Sabina Faiz Rashid. 2020. "Experiencing shame: An affective reading of the sexual and reproductive health and rights classroom in Bangladesh." Sex Education: 1-15. Publications, Essays
Sasha Su-Ling Welland. "Camouflaged Histories: Lei Yan as Chinese Guerrilla Girl." positions: asia critique 28.1 (2020): 87-119. Publications, Essays
Adeyemi, Kemi. "The Practice of Slowness." GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 25, no. 4 (2019): 545-67. Publications, Essays
Adeyemi, Kemi. "Beyond 90°: The Angularities of Black/queer/women/lean." Women & Performance: A Journal of Feminist Theory: Performing Refusal/Refusing to Perform 29, no. 1 (2019): 9-24. Publications, Essays
Khan, Saad Adnan, Alam, Farhana. (2019). "Exploring Disability Across Intersections of Gender and Sexuality in Bangladesh." [Gender and disability]. Peace Prints, 5 (1).  Publications, Essays
Judd, Bettina. “Sapphire as Praxis: Toward a Methodology of Anger.” Feminist Studies 45 (1): 178–208.  Publications, Essays
Yingyi Wang. (2019). When tongzhi marry: experiments of cooperative marriage between lalas and gay men in urban China. Feminist Studies (45)1, 13-35. Publications, Essays
Priti Ramamurthy and Vinay Gidwani. “Towards a Queer Phenomenology of Social Reproduction: Insights from Life Histories of Informal Economy Workers in India” in Doreen Massey: Critical Dialogues, ed. Marion Werner, Jamie Peck, Rebecca Lave, Brett Christophers, Newcastle upon Tyne: Agenda Publishing, 2018: 325-341. Publications, Essays
Priti Ramamurthy. “AlterNotes on The Politics of Women’s Studies Graduate Certificates”, Feminist Studies, 2018, 44, 2, 298-302. Publications, Essays
Vinay Gidwani and Priti Ramamurthy. “Agrarian Questions of Labor in Urban India: Middle Migrants, Translocal Householding and the Intersectional Politics of Social Reproduction.”  Journal of Peasant Studies, 2018, 45:5-6, 994-1017.  Publications, Essays
Sasha Su-Ling Welland. "Open Book." Viewpoint series exhibit of Elizabeth Murray and Anne Waldman: Her Story. Seattle: Henry Art Gallery, 2018. Publications, Essays
Sasha Welland. "Aesthetics." Cultural Anthropology, Theorizing the Contemporary Series, Keywords for Ethnography and Design, 2018.  Publications, Essays
Sasha Su-Ling Welland. “World of the Visual: Introduction to Visual Arts Section.” In Creating Across Cultures: Women in the Arts from China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, ed. Michelle Vosper, 69. Hong Kong: East Slope Publishing, 2017. Publications, Essays
Sasha Su-Ling Welland, “List as Form: Literary, Ethnographic, Long, Short, Heavy, Light,” Savage Minds: Notes and Queries in Anthropology, September 28, Publications, Essays