Author/Title |
Research Type |
Related Fields |
Priti Ramamurthy. “Why Are Men Doing Floral Sex Work? Gender, Cultural Reproduction, and the Feminization of Agriculture,” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, vol. 35, no. 2, 2010: 397-424. |
Publications, Essays |
Gender, Labor, Masculinity, Reproduction |
Chang, S.-R., Kenney, N. J., & Chao, Y.-M. Y. Transformation in self-identity amongst Taiwanese women in late pregnancy: A qualitative study. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 2009. |
Publications, Essays |
Reproduction, Motherhood, Gender, Women |
Kenney, N. J. & McGowan, M. L. Looking Back: Egg donors’ retrospective evaluations of their motivations, expectations, and experiences during their first donation cycle. Fertility & Sterility. 2008. |
Publications, Essays |
Reproduction |
Chang, S.-R., Chao, Y.-M. & Kenney, N. J. I am a woman and I_m pregnant: Body image of women in Taiwan during the third trimester of pregnancy. Birth: Issues in Perinatal Care, 2006, 33, 147-153. |
Publications, Essays |
Reproduction |
Kenney, N. J. and McGowan, M. L. Egg donation compensation: ethical and legal challenges. Medicolegal and Biothics, 2014, 4, 15-24. |
Publications, Essays |
Bioethics, Body, Medicine, Motherhood, Reproduction, Science and Technology, Women |
McGowan, M. L., & Kenney, N. J. Egg donors’ knowledge of donation outcomes and attitudes towards disposition of their eggs. In preparation. |
Publications |
Reproduction |