News Archive

Image Title Published
Envisioning African Intersex Book Cover
Amanda Lock Swarr Receives Distinguished Book Award Honorable Mention from the Section on the Sociology of Sexualities
Flyer for Knowing Africa event with Amanda Lock Swarr
Challenging Legacies: Amanda Lock Swarr Explores African Intersex Activism in Knowing Africa Seminar—Now Streaming on YouTube
Beyond Binary Science: Amanda Lock Swarr Explores Gender, Sex, and Science in New Podcast Episode // Science
Purple book cover with hollow gold ring in the center with the title "Envisioning African Intersex" printed on top. Authors name is printed vertically on the top right-hand corner.
Amanda Lock Swarr Explores Histories and Activism by Intersex South Africans in Latest Book
Journal cover of Transgender Studies Quarterly. Mostly black page with white and pink font. Featuring image of an upside down heart with hands inside and a glittery background.
Amanda Swarr Receives Fellowship for Her Book and Serves as Co-Editor of “The Intersex Issue” of TSQ