alma khasawnih

GWSS Alumni '18 - Associate Professor, Department of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, The College of New Jersey
alma khasawnih simpson center fellowship

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Ph.D., Feminist Studies, University of Washington, 2018
Certificate in Public Scholarship, 2017
M.A. Art + Design Education, Rhode Island School of Design, 2007
B.A. Environmental Policy and Behavior, University of Michigan, 2002
Curriculum Vitae (99.3 KB)

Dissertation: Embodied Writing: Gender and Class in the Graffiti and Murals of the 2011 Egyptian Revolution

My research focuses on contemporary visual artists and visual cultural production in Cairo since the revolution in January 2011. i am interested in role of artists in the revolution and how they use street and public art to create spaces for themselves in the movement, as well as challenge hegemonic narratives of gender, sexuality, and class. i do this through following networks and flows of people, ideas, and objects through space (physical and digital) and time, which i trace through formal and informal narratives on street art, visual culture production, and artists. 

In addition to my dissertation research, i am a fellow in the Certificate in Public Scholarship, where i work with business owners and residents of 23rd and Union on issues of gentrification and dislocation. i also work with digital humanities, mapping, and archiving.
