GWSS Newsletter: Spring 2023 Edition

Hailey Capps, a recent graduate from the University of Washington, finished her double major in Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies and Communication in the spring of 2022. She is currently pursuing her Master of Education (M.Ed.) at the UW School of Education. As she began her postgraduate journey, she shared how her experience in the GWSS department has shaped and continues… Read more
We are delighted to announce that fabian romero, a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies, has been selected as one of only four gonfaloniers representing the Graduate School in the Spring 2023 Commencement Ceremony. As a gonfalonier, romero will have the honor of carrying the Graduate School banner, leading the procession of graduates into the… Read more
Celine Waldmann, the Undergraduate Advisor for the Department of Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies, has been awarded the second-place prize in the 3D art category of the University of Washington's 2023 Trash Art Contest. The contest, held by UW's Sustainability office, challenged participants to think about… Read more
The Department of Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies is excited to announce that Bobbi Kindred, a Ph.D. candidate in Feminist Studies, has been awarded the prestigious Alvord Endowed Fellowship for the 2023-24 academic year by the College of Arts & Sciences. The Alvord Endowed Fellowship… Read more
Bettina Judd's book Feelin: Creative Practice, Pleasure, and Black Feminist Thought is now available from Northwestern University Press. Launched last December at the Reginald F. Lewis Museum of Art and Culture, this thought-provoking work explores the intersection of Black feminist thought, creative expression, and joy. In Feelin,… Read more
Amanda Lock Swarr's latest book Envisioning African Intersex is now available from Duke University Press. Following in the footsteps of her previous book, Sex in Transition:… Read more
Shirley Yee’s article “Undertaking Pittsburgh: The Makings of the Casket Industry in the Steel City, 1865-1910,” recently published in Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies, examines the central role the Steel City played in modernizing the… Read more
Sasha Welland is quoted in an Axios article titled, “Seattle has a dearth of monuments to women,” which finds that among hundreds of pieces of public art in Seattle, you'll find few depicting real-life women from any point in history. What does this reporting for Women's History Month tell us about the power dynamics that shape public… Read more
Marika Cifor, an assistant professor in the Information School and adjunct professor in Gender, Woman & Sexuality Studies, has been awarded a prestigious… Read more
Retired Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies adjunct faculty member and Associate Professor Emeritus in the Department of History, Hwasook Nam, has been awarded the 2023 James B. Palais Book Prize for her second book, Women in the Sky: Gender and Labor in the Making of Modern Korea… Read more
Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies Adjunct Professor Josephine Ensign delves into the profound issue of housing insecurity in Seattle with her latest book, Skid Road: On the Frontier of Health and Homelessness in Seattle. Drawing on historical research and analysis, Ensign sheds light on the complex interplay between public sentiment, policy decisions, and… Read more